Rachelle Rizzi

Work with Rachelle

Are you ready to discover your unique path of authenticity, profound understanding of self, and living in flow with life?

Let's work together using astrology medicine to empower you on your life's journey

Rachelle is passionate about transforming the shadows of the past into our most potent healing superpowers. 

Through her own journey of alchemy, she has emerged as an Intuitive astrologer & spiritual healer


Using Astrology as a way within, Rachelle supports clients to step into their true Purpose, Power & Potential... for the Highest Good of all.

Rachelle provided me with in-depth insights into the placements and transits in my chart

โ My reading session with Rachelle gave me the exact clarity I was looking for during a time when I was experiencing big shifts in my personal and professional life. 

โ Through her astrology knowledge and intuitive gifts, she provided me with in-depth insights into the placements and transits in my chart that gave me a deeper understanding of my core wounds and soul gifts, and where I was being called to heal and take aligned action in my life. โž 

– Christie Pike


—Sheila Vijeyarasa: Spiritual & Business Mentor, Author of BRAVE



Rachelle'sย powerful, deep-dive classes are an amazing place to start, especially for those interested in learning Astrology.



Rachelle's signature programs on Soul Transformation Journey & Astro Soul Discovery mentorship



Rachelle's unique view of your Natal Astrological Chart that involve both astrology and soul work



Get 3 sessions of 60 minutes Zoom call each session, designed to take you deeply into YOU. 




Rachelle's readings offer a deep understanding of the complex interplay between planetary influences and human lives, helping you unlock your highest potential. Embrace the wisdom of the stars and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.


Astrology, an incredibly powerful tool to better understand yourself and your relationship to the natural cycles of life.

Fusing Astrology with psychic insights, you will be activated on your path of Highest Purpose.



Work 1-on-1 with Rachelle for 3 months using astrology medicine to empower you on your life's journey

Your Soul Transformation Journey is a 12-week Astro Soul Discovery mentorship that will be a powerful and constructive way to weave the themes of your natal chart and explore the themes and dynamics of your experiences, and how those are working in partnership with your natal chart–acting as catalysts to your awakening.


Spiritual Alchemy is connected with freeing your spiritual self from your fears, limiting belief systems, and lack of self-acceptance.  Alchemy is the art of transformation, inner liberation, and change.

Working with Rachelle was like nothing I had ever received before. It was like she had a window into my soul

โ I was honored to receive a reading from Rachelle as I had been coming up against some resistance and experiencing levels of confusion that I had not had in some time. I wasn't sure what to expect as astrology readings have not proven in the past to offer much for me. โ Working with Rachelle was like nothing I had ever received before. It was like she had a window into my soul and it was so interesting to me how the stars knew so much about me and were aligned so perfectly with what I had been seeing on my own. She has such a beautiful gift and confirmed so much of what I have been receiving from my guides and visions and provided such a feeling of peace for my continued journey of trust.โž
– Treasure: Spiritual Guide & Founder of The Space


—Sheila Vijeyarasa: Spiritual & Business Mentor, Author of BRAVE